New Simpler Recycling legislation is coming April 2025.
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The Big Picture

The environment's at the heart of all our work.

Welcome to the First Mile features and hot topics that make us tick.

Why cutting air pollution is everybody’s business

Air pollution has reached crisis levels in London, with mounting evidence on the impact on public health.

Is clothing made from plastic the solution we’ve been waiting for?

Before you spend inflated prices for clothing made from plastic as a guilt-free fashion fix, take a second to think.

One woman, 70 beach cleans, 7,200km of cycling and a whole heap of plastic

We caught up with Kiko on her Kik-Plastic adventure

3 things to consider when searching for a Paper Shredding Service

Here are three things you need to consider when searching for a confidential paper shredding provider

The truth about compostable packaging: why your compostable coffee cup isn’t always the greenest solution

We live in a world where single-use is ubiquitous, especially when it comes to food and drinks packaging. Many disposable items work their way into landfill, significantly contributing to greenhouse gas emissions or, as has been highlighted by everyone’s favourite environmentalist, Sir David Attenborough, end up in our oceans and destroy marine life.

Mountains of food waste – how one local Café is making a difference

Interview with a sustainable café owner

How your coffee waste can help to save the planet

A little post from our friends at bio-bean

First Mile and Rewilding Britain - it's official!

First Mile is pleased to announce Rewilding Britain as its ‘staff charity of choice’, with the relationship set to see First Mile team members taking part in a variety of fundraising challenges and volunteering opportunities over the coming months.

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