New Simpler Recycling legislation is coming April 2025.
Click here to find out more.

The Big Picture

The environment's at the heart of all our work.

Welcome to the First Mile features and hot topics that make us tick.

Why You Need to Start Recycling Coffee Cups Today

Our recent research highlights the sheer volume of coffee cups used in the UK, giving us all a reminder of the importance of recycling our single-use coffee cups.

The Movement Towards Greener Festivals

How can festivals and festival-goers reduce their environmental impact?

Planned Obsolescence and The Problem with Waste

Far from the zero-waste and circular economy model we should all be striving towards...

Microfibres: How what you wear becomes what you eat (and how to stop it)

Tiny microfibres from apparel are the biggest source of microplastics entering our oceans. Yes, you read that right: over one-third of ocean microplastics comes from synthetic textiles.

For Your Eyes Only - The secret life of a paper shredder

Even to the untrained eye she’s an impressive, if not somewhat foreboding, piece of 21st century technology. And it’s today that this new state of the art paper shredder embarks on her inaugural shift.

Keeping up with First Mile

One month, 10 events and 5,000+ participants as we spread the word on sustainability

The Average Cost Per Wear of Our Wardrobes

Do you know the cost per wear of each item in your wardrobe? We investigate how Brits buy and wear their clothes and suggest a few ways we can all be more sustainable.

Giving recycling some welly! Why all brands should take responsibility for end-of-life solutions

Customers can either post back their old boots – via a cost-free postal Recycle Box service sponsored by Hunter - or drop them into their flagship Regent Street store in London for recycling.

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You're one step away from a cheaper, greener recycling service.

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