New Simpler Recycling legislation is coming April 2025.
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The Big Picture

The environment's at the heart of all our work.

Welcome to the First Mile features and hot topics that make us tick.

First Mile shortlisted for Positive Impact at UK Growing Business Awards.

We’re delighted to announce that First Mile has been shortlisted for the Amazon Growing Business awards in the ‘Positive Impact’ category for the impact we’ve helped our customers make on the planet.

Does recycling get recycled?

One day this will be a pointless question; sadly, not today.

Microfibres - The tiny threads causing a big stir

Once again we are in the run-up to London Fashion Week, where the biggest names in fashion display their latest collections to buyers and the media, dictating next seasons designs, fabrics and colours that will be copied and reproduced all over the world.

First Mile wins top green UK Award

We are delighted to announce that First Mile won a top UK Award recognising our ‘Sacktory’ which was voted Green Infrastructure Project of 2018 at the BusinessGreen Leaders Awards 2018.

Why your business should embrace veganism - guest blog

Your First Mile sacks have been delivered next-day, you’ve filled them up, put them out, and now you watch your recycling rate soar from roughly 32% (the London average) to at least double that. It’s an empowering feeling, but often leaves customers thinking, “what can I do next?”

How will London’s Environmental Strategy affect us?

Sadiq Khan this month announced his Environmental Strategy, outlining a long-term plan to transform London into the world’s first National Park city by 2050.

Talking plastic with City AM

Our founder and CEO Bruce Bratley met with City AM recently to discuss how First Mile are helping the UK take action over our plastic addiction. The interview, entitled, “a man on a mission to tackle the UK’s plastic addiction” was inspired by the distressing scenes the world tuned in to on Blue Planet last year.

Sales team, marketing team... green team?

We receive frequent feedback from businesses about the challenges of motivating time-starved employees to unite in their care about greener business activities.

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