Research has indicated that over half of consumers will consider not using a company that they believe has bad ethics.

So it doesn't matter if you're the fastest, the cheapest, or have the cleverest ads: for the 800,000 small businesses operating in London offering an abundance of choice for consumers, leading without good morals could cost you money.

Affordable Sustainability

Recognising the ethical importance of sustainability to your business is one thing, but integrating it into daily operations can be challenging.

Many businesses see the money and time investment in changing their operations as a major barrier to being more sustainable, but this is a common misconception.

Recycling is one of the easiest ways to lower your environmental impact while also differentiating your business from others.

Whether you invest in more recycling facilities, use more recyclable materials, reduce your usage of raw materials, or use more reusable products, there's a whole range of ways that your business can make an authentic difference without it literally costing the earth.

What is Commercial Recycling?

Commercial recycling may sound like a daunting prospect or large expense, but it can be as simple as making a commitment to recycling and waste reduction within your business or company.

Starting with some simple recycling efforts or waste management practices can help your business play its part in reducing global warming.

Reducing Business Waste

If you consider how much businesses contribute to the consumption of things like food waste shipping padding, scrap paper, office storage, single-use plastic cups, scrap metal, cardboard boxes etc, you'll soon see that commercial recycling programmes can play a large part in the global solution.

The good news is that making positive changes that have environmental benefits could even cut costs and save money for your business.

How can companies save money by recycling?

Recycling in your workplace has the following monetary benefits to your business:

Recycling & Cost Savings

Reducing, reusing and recycling your business's consumption of resources generates obvious cost savings: you’ll consume fewer materials and increase resource efficiency.

Just a few ideas for potential cost savings include; saving money by identifying valuable recyclables, reducing waste management costs, and reduced spend on electronic devices.

Recycling sacks also cost less than general waste sacks, so you’ll be saving cash by moving recyclable items over sending them to incineration.

Company Image

The rise of the conscious consumer and meaningful work means that a commitment to environmental sustainability can help attract first-rate talent, gain media attention and win public respect.

Promote your sustainability, by using your gold recycling certificate to win favour and share your zero waste status to your advantage, like Travers Smith in the photo above!

Long term growth

A recent study revealed that 1 in 3 consumers prefer sustainable businesses and that those who put sustainability at the heart of their business are growing 50% faster than others.

By proudly sharing your eco credentials and recycling solutions with your customers and clients, you're establishing your business as a future-forward company that cares about the planet.

Save Your Business Money With A Recycling Program

The transition from environmental sustainability as a humanitarian cause to a legitimate business opportunity of long-term economic value is a vital step and much-needed for our planet.

Recycling with First Mile presents a simple and convenient opportunity to streamline operations, reduce costs and help save the planet.

So you may find that any waste disposal costs are offset against significant savings - a win-win for both your business and the environment.

Want to start your recycling journey? Contact us today.