Delphis Eco, the UK’s leading eco-friendly plant-based chemical company, and leading recycling company, First Mile, are calling on homes throughout the UK to help in the fight against Covid-19 by recycling all of their plastic bottle closures - such as trigger sprays, hand soap pumps and flip-top caps.
China and Northern Italy are the two main manufacturers of plastic bottle closures for cleaning and personal care products. As a result of Covid-19, there is now a global shortage of pretty much all bottle closures, including trigger sprays, hand soap pumps, and spray pumps. This shortage is causing issues in getting anti-bacterial hand soap and sanitisers to those that need them the most.
In response, Delphis Eco and First Mile are asking UK households to collect and give a quick-rinse to all of their empty plastic personal care and cleaning bottles and closures of any size or brand, place them in an empty cardboard box and book a free collection at First Mile will then sort and clean items before returning them to Delphis to be refilled and reused.
RecycleBox was developed by First Mile to provide an easy courier recycling service for those businesses and homes throughout the UK that want to do their bit for the environment.

Delphis Eco is the first UK-based cleaning product company to make its bottles from 100% recycled plastic, and the first to receive EU Ecolabel accreditation for cleaning products. All of its bottles are made from 100% recycled plastic milk bottles, and are 100% recyclable. Its cleaning products are powered by plants and, being derived from sustainable, natural resources, are 100% biodegradable.
In addition to helping in the fight again Covid-19, the Delphis and First Mile partnership also gives UK households the opportunity to help fight in the fight against climate change. If everyone in the UK recycled just one single bathroom cleaner bottle, it would save enough energy to vacuum 82,460 homes[i].
Commenting on the collaboration, CEO at Delphis Eco, Mark Jankovich, said: “I am very excited to be collaborating with First Mile and, hopefully, every household in the UK. We are a very proud UK manufacturer and currently have anti-bacterial sanitiser sitting in big containers but, like wine without a cork, we can’t supply any bottles. I’m sure some of the bottles may look a bit odd with strange tops on them, but that doesn’t matter, as long as people are getting the products they need. This is a great way to help fight Covid-19, and help the environment at the same time.”
Bruce Bratley, founder and CEO at First Mile, added: “The Covid-19 pandemic has led to shortages in various supply chains within the UK. Some of these challenges are tricky to solve, but for this one, we have a simple solution. We’re asking the public to please save all of their plastic triggers, pumps and caps and send them back, along with their bottles, to First Mile through our RecycleBox scheme. This small action will have a big impact in terms of getting much-needed cleaning and sanitising products out to those that need them most.”
[i] The Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP)