Over the last 6 months, we’ve had the pleasure of speaking to some of the incredible individuals making a positive impact on the planet and the people on it. From Extinction Rebellion’s mission for a cleaner world, beer brewed with surplus bread to an app that pays you for picking up litter.

Click here to listen.

5 thought-provoking quotes from this season

Episode 8 - Black Girls Hike

“We are in a climate crisis, I keep calling it the last season of Earth and for some reason, humans keep rushing all the episodes.” - Rhiane Fatinikun

Episode 1 - Extinction Rebellion

“There’s a sort of peace that descends on me when I'm about to be arrested because I always choose to be arrested, I choose the site and the issue. But I'm so convinced this is a way of raising the profile of the climate crisis that I feel at peace.” - Nigel Harvey

Episode 2 - Plastic Paradox

“If I compare paper to plastic, paper requires about four times more energy, four times more CO2, four times more water and you make about four times on average, more waste.” Chris DeArmitt

Episode 3 - Keep Britain Tidy

“If everyone around the world lived like the average person in the UK, we’d need 2.6 planets to live on” Anna Scott

Episode 11 - Anthesis

I’ve always been a believer that business is an institution that is both powerful and agile and therefore needs to be lent on to be an influence in terms of the change we want to make in the world.” - Stuart McLachlan

Read more of Stuart’s insights in our blog ‘You’re guide to achieving net-zero’.

Our favourite Hall of Fame entries this season

Throughout the season we build a Hall of Fame for Climate Heroes and each week we ask the guest to leave something on someone one in First Mile’s Climate Heroes Hall of Fame, here are some of our favourites from season 4.

Episode 22 - Dr Jane Goodall

Dr Jane Goodall is an English primatologist and anthropologist and founder of the Jane Goodall Institute whose goal is to improve the treatment of primates through public education and legal representation. Their ‘Protecting Great Apes’ campaign worked to reduce illegal trafficking and protect endangered species by building sanctuaries such as The Chimp Eden Sanctuary in South Africa.

Episode 17 - Amsterdam

In 2020, Amsterdam became the first city to commit to having a full circular economy by 2050. They’re doing this by changing the way their residents and businesses think about waste, from a use-and-dispose’ mindset towards one of ‘rethink-and-reuse’. In 2022, the City of Amsterdam was nominated for an Earthshot Prize for its pledge to the planet.

Episode 8 - Lucy Hodson (AKA Lucy Lapwing)

Lucy Hodson is a naturalist, conservationist and influencer, known as ‘Lucy Lapwing’ on social media. Lucy’s uses social media to share the wonderful world of British wildlife in an easy to digest, engaging manner. She is also a Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ambassador.

David Attenborough (COP26 Speech)

In 2021, David Attenborough issued a powerful speech to leaders at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, stating the future of the planet lies on their shoulders. His inspiring words relayed the messaging that humans have the capacity to fix climate change, if they worked together. You can read the full transcript here.

The Lorax 

Dr Seuss ‘The Lorax highlights the dangers of heavy industrialisation and over-consumerism. In the book, The Lorax struggles to convince people about the importance of preserving the environment with his message that everyone has the power to make a difference. Since it was published over 50 years ago, The Lorax has inspired generations of climate activists and is widely used to educate children about environmentalism.

Listen back to season 4 to find out who else made their way into the Climate Heroes Hall of Fame.

Thank you for being a Climate Hero!

We wanted to say a huge thank you to all the amazing guests that came on this season on Climate Heroes to share their insightful projects with our listeners. If you want to be a guest and share your story, get in touch with us via marketing@thefirstmile.co.uk or fill in this quick form and we’ll get back to you with more information.