Staff will make a quick decision on which bin to use based on the information they can see. Clear labelling and instruction are essential to help staff recycle more efficiently.

Clear branding and labelling

Staff will make a quick decision on which bin to use based on the information they can see. Clear labelling and instruction are essential to help staff recycle more efficiently. Designated recycling areas and clear, informative posters will increase the amount of material your staff recycle.

Contact your recycling company for labels and posters for your bin area. If you are a First Mile customer call us on 0800 612 9894 or email to request your free labelling pack.

Bin the (waste) bin

How often do you see staff putting recyclables into a waste bin? Make it easier for them. For staff to recycle more than 80% of their waste material, then 80% of the bins in your office should be recycling bins.

Many offices treat the office floors as recycling zones only, and limit waste bins to kitchen areas and tea-rooms.

Have a look at the waste bins in your office today and see which can be converted into recycling bins.

Set up regular collections

We meet offices every day who only receive recycling collections once or twice a week, but have daily collections of waste.

Regular collections of recycling save space, reduces office clutter and often comes at no extra cost.

Increase your recycling collection days. If you are a First Mile customer you can do this at no extra cost by calling 0800 612 9894 or emailing

First Mile

First Mile collect recycling from 13,000 offices in London, helping workplaces to significantly reduce their waste output, lower their carbon footprint and lower costs.

To find out more about how First Mile can help improve the recycling in your office, call us anytime on 0800 612 9894 or email